ArchivesFebruary 21, 2025NextAvoid futile questions, for only in silence does the truth unveil its face. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 20, 2025NextLove is like a ship that never remains in harbor; travel into the unknown with it. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 19, 2025NextThe traveler of love is always ready to sacrifice self-conceit. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 18, 2025NextIn the struggle between reason and love, the seeker who intoxicates himself with the wine of faith is victorious. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 17, 2025NextHe who accepts the arrow of blame from the Beloved is freed from the snare of worldly games. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 16, 2025NextIn friendship with the Beloved, the melody of unity resounds. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 15, 2025NextThe wise think of the tale of love as a fable, but lovers see it as a bright truth. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 14, 2025NextWhenever the seeker drinks from the pure wine, he becomes free from puzzles. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 13, 2025NextThe heart in the game of love discovers the nest of truth. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 12, 2025NextBecome a lover and free the heart from the duality of earth and clay. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 11, 2025NextA lover is not bound by the world, for he has adorned his wings with love. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 10, 2025NextNever think of the destination in your journey; rather, be a spectator of the path PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 9, 2025NextWhoever surrenders to love has escaped the snares of time and space. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 8, 2025NextWalk with the lamp of love and faith so that the tricks of darkness do not ensnare you. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 7, 2025NextAs long as you are bound by selfhood, you are an unfinished puzzle. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 6, 2025NextThe truth of love is eternal, and only lovers can bear its blame. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 5, 2025NextThe worldly birds are caught in traps, but the nest of the phoenix is in the heights of self-sufficiency. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 4, 2025NextIf you see yourself in the midst, you have cut off from union; seek yourself in unity. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 3, 2025NextThe Cupbearer of Love renews charm each time to free the heart from the deceit of time. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 2, 2025NextYou will reach the light when you let go of the intellect through love. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily MessageArchivesFebruary 1, 2025NextThe secrets of universe are revealed at dawn when the grime of night is wiped away. PreviousHazrat Pir's Daily Message